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作者:不锈钢管 来源 点击数: 更新时间:2017年10月03 【字体:


  Two methods of cleaning of stainless steel tube:


  1, mechanical descaling: put need cleaning pipe on special shelves, cylindrical with derusting machine and soft shaft in the circular derusting machine remove tube inside and outside wall of rust.


  2, artificial cleaning: stainless steel tube surface floating rust is thicker, first knock gently with hammer out thick rust. Rust is not thick, can use steel wire brush, steel wire cloth to wipe the surface, until the instinctive quality with stainless steel pipe, reoccupy cotton rub-up.


  Remove stainless steel pipe inner surface rust, common round wire brush. Big diameter pipe can be composed of several round steel brush together, at both ends with wire tightly, within the lumen pull brush back and forth, until the metal color, reoccupy cotton brush clean.

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